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Contact Details:


Julien Burdet
3800 Route De Celas
Saint Pierre De Colombier


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Price per night:

price from €50





Description for B&B:

The price of the room includes a delicious breakfast consisting of organic bread, homemade pastries, marmalades, and yogurt. If desired, we also offer a table d'hôtes option with organic and locally sourced products for an additional fee of 20 euros per person. Additionally, we can provide a baby bed upon request.

During your stay, you will have the opportunity to relax in a peaceful environment surrounded by the beauty of nature. There are numerous picturesque walks available for hikers, and you can also enjoy swimming in the nearby river, which is within walking distance.

Our location offers easy access to popular tourist attractions such as Mont Gerbier de Jonc, Lac d'Issarlès, Ray Pic waterfall, and Evils bridge. We are more than happy to assist you in discovering the wonderful land of Ardèche.


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If you are traveling on the A7 from the north, you should take the "le Pouzin" exit and then follow the signs for Privas and Aubenas (D104).
For those traveling on the A7 from the south, take the Montelimar Sud exit and follow the signs for Aubenas (D126, D107, and then N102).
Once you reach Aubenas, continue following the signs for Vals les Bains and Le Puy en Velay by taking the N102. After crossing Pont de la Beaume, take the D536 towards Montpezat sous Bauzon. Keep going on this road and then switch to the D26 towards Saint Pierre de Colombier and Burzet. After passing Saint Pierre Colombier, continue for approximately 4km on the D26. After crossing the bridge, make a right turn onto Celas road. Follow this winding road in the direction of Celas. When you arrive at Celas, turn left, then left again, and finally, stop under the large cherry tree.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 50 350 350




  • Château de Craux: Located just a short distance from Saint Pierre De Colombier, Château de Craux is a majestic castle that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history and enjoy guided tours of its well-preserved interior.
  • Mont Gerbier de Jonc: A magnificent mountain located in the Ardèche region, Mont Gerbier de Jonc is famous for its unique shape and picturesque landscapes. It is also the source of the Loire River, making it a popular spot for nature lovers and hikers.
  • Pont d'Arc: Situated in the Ardèche Gorge, Pont d'Arc is a natural limestone arch that spans across the river. This iconic landmark attracts countless visitors who come to admire its beauty, go canoeing or kayaking in the river, and explore the surrounding caves and hiking trails.
  • Château de Ventadour: Nestled in the heart of the Ardèche Mountains, Château de Ventadour is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can wander through its well-preserved ruins, take in panoramic views from the top of the tower, and learn about the castle's past through informative exhibitions.
  • Antraigues-sur-Volane: A charming village located in the Ardèche region, Antraigues-sur-Volane is known for its narrow streets, traditional stone houses, and vibrant arts scene. It was once home to the famous French singer Jean Ferrat, and visitors can explore his former residence, which now serves as a museum dedicated to his life and work.
  • Vallon Pont d'Arc: A lively town situated at the entrance of the Ardèche Gorge, Vallon Pont d'Arc is a popular tourist destination. It offers a variety of activities, including river swimming, rock climbing, and exploring local markets. The town is also a great starting point for canoeing trips down the Ardèche River.
  • Bois de Païolive: A magical forest known for its unique rock formations, Bois de Païolive is a great place for nature enthusiasts and hikers. With its maze-like trails and breathtaking scenery, visitors can enjoy exploring the forest's hidden caves, arches, and ancient petroglyphs.
  • Mont Mézenc: Located in the Massif Central, Mont Mézenc is one of the highest peaks in the Ardèche region. It offers spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and is a fantastic destination for hiking, paragliding, and winter sports activities.
  • Village of Balazuc: Considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, Balazuc is a medieval village perched on a cliff overlooking the Ardèche River. With its charming stone houses, winding streets, and stunning views, it is a must-visit for history buffs and those seeking a picturesque setting. 10. Ray-Pic Waterfall: Situated in the heart of the Ardèche Mountains, Ray-Pic Waterfall is a natural wonder that cascades down a 60-meter cliff. Visitors can admire the breathtaking waterfall, take scenic walks in the surrounding forest, and enjoy picnics in the designated areas.

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